The Campaign
Welcome to Our Site
The Change is Coming Campaign (CIC) is the humanitarian initiative of Arts of Color Worship Arts Institute, Inc. (AOC)
a 501(c)3 tax-exempt performing and multi-media arts company.
CIC consists of artists from all backgrounds and genres who use their art form to advocate for social justice. On this site, you'll see their own stories and causes and how you can help.
AOC's objectives are to train emerging artists, produce multicultural events, and help support children in Haiti .
a 501(c)3 tax-exempt performing and multi-media arts company.
CIC consists of artists from all backgrounds and genres who use their art form to advocate for social justice. On this site, you'll see their own stories and causes and how you can help.
AOC's objectives are to train emerging artists, produce multicultural events, and help support children in Haiti .
These past couple of weeks have been crazy, in a good way. Making some progress as far as working with organizations in Haiti. Next week, I'll be going to Cap Haitien, where a facility was donated to house children that have been affected, lost their parents, or parents aren't able to provide. We were able to secure staff on the ground to take care of the children, 24 of them will be coming to the facility which we are now calling 'Shalom Village' (Peace Village). 4 Kids are from Port-au-Prince, 4 from La Gonaive, and the rest from Cap Haitien. Their age range are 3-9 years old. I'm flying out on thursday and coming back on Monday. I was going to bring food down there but unfortunately its REALLY EXPENSIVE!!!! So it would be best to purchase food on the ground in Haiti. We will be flying in to Santiago, DR and driving into Haiti
I'm asking you all to help support the kids that we'll be taking care of by making a monetary donation online at or by mail at 320 S. Flamingo Road #298 Pembroke Pines, FL 33027 ( Make checks payable to Arts of Color Worship Arts Institute, Inc)
We need $700.00 to purchase food to last for the month.
This is going to be one of my main projects this year (to help the village become self sufficient) I maybe moving down to Haiti for a while (God willing) but nevertheless I'll be keep you updated on what's going on down there and how you can help.
P.S. Please make a donation to the website so we can purchase food for the kids.
Much thanks in advance!
Hi Everyone,
A week ago today, I was able to travel to Port-au-Prince, Haiti and bring medical supplies, food, and tents to those in need. Words cannot truly describe my experience there but I must say that I was highly disappointed, frustrated, annoyed, and angry. When I got to my family members who were laying down on card board boxes underneath a make shift tent out of sticks and sheets, they told me that I was the first one to come to their aid.
Imagine if I had not gone, if I had not been able to raise the funds to charter a plane and bring down supplies myself to Haiti. Would my family had gotten any help? God only knows.
As I spoke to other people in the community and in Champs De Mars, I was told that they haven't been receiving any aid. I interviewed several officers in the US Army regarding the aid and they shared with me different points of views.
1. They are waiting on instructions from higher command
2. They are speaking to the people to find out their needs
3. They havent come up a structure to distribute the aid effectivelly yet
This really pissed me off, maybe I don't understand what the heck they are waiting for, but I can't just wait until "whom ever is in charge" to devise a plan to distribute. Too many people have already died. Too many people are hungry, too many people are thirsty. We have to act now!
I'm planning on going back again myself to bring more supplies and food to the people that I met. A majority of the people I met on Champs De Mars gave me their contact information and we created our own plan on how to distribute to the people who aren't connected to a major NGO. I also connected with a church, whose lot is filled with victims under makeshift tents. They definitely need food, water, and medical supplies. Something that tore me a part was watching the kids playing with sticks and rocks. One little girl named Maria asked me to bring her back a coloring book.
I'm a little weak right now, going to try to rest this weekend. But next week, I'll be back full force and keep you all posted.
Maeva Renaud
View My Photo Album
PS. Special thanks to Kijik Multimedia, Hollywood Unites For Haiti, Phatt Traxx Productions, and all the individuals who made donations towards this trip! Couldnt have done it without you!
A week ago today, I was able to travel to Port-au-Prince, Haiti and bring medical supplies, food, and tents to those in need. Words cannot truly describe my experience there but I must say that I was highly disappointed, frustrated, annoyed, and angry. When I got to my family members who were laying down on card board boxes underneath a make shift tent out of sticks and sheets, they told me that I was the first one to come to their aid.
Imagine if I had not gone, if I had not been able to raise the funds to charter a plane and bring down supplies myself to Haiti. Would my family had gotten any help? God only knows.
As I spoke to other people in the community and in Champs De Mars, I was told that they haven't been receiving any aid. I interviewed several officers in the US Army regarding the aid and they shared with me different points of views.
1. They are waiting on instructions from higher command
2. They are speaking to the people to find out their needs
3. They havent come up a structure to distribute the aid effectivelly yet
This really pissed me off, maybe I don't understand what the heck they are waiting for, but I can't just wait until "whom ever is in charge" to devise a plan to distribute. Too many people have already died. Too many people are hungry, too many people are thirsty. We have to act now!
I'm planning on going back again myself to bring more supplies and food to the people that I met. A majority of the people I met on Champs De Mars gave me their contact information and we created our own plan on how to distribute to the people who aren't connected to a major NGO. I also connected with a church, whose lot is filled with victims under makeshift tents. They definitely need food, water, and medical supplies. Something that tore me a part was watching the kids playing with sticks and rocks. One little girl named Maria asked me to bring her back a coloring book.
I'm a little weak right now, going to try to rest this weekend. But next week, I'll be back full force and keep you all posted.
Maeva Renaud
View My Photo Album
PS. Special thanks to Kijik Multimedia, Hollywood Unites For Haiti, Phatt Traxx Productions, and all the individuals who made donations towards this trip! Couldnt have done it without you!
After some struggle we were finally able to get people in Haiti. Our group spent one night in Cap Haitian and are now Port au Prince. More updates are to come and stories about the experience.
We would like to thank everyone who allowed this trip to occur through their contributions.This is only the beginning of the work we have to do as a united force.
Nzingah Oniwosan
Sankofa's Child, Inc
We would like to thank everyone who allowed this trip to occur through their contributions.This is only the beginning of the work we have to do as a united force.
Nzingah Oniwosan
Sankofa's Child, Inc
Okay, yes my flight was delayed again, but I'm officially leaving Wednesday morning from Ft. Lauderdale to Port-au-Prince. The plan is to 1. Find my family and represent them at the US Embassy in Haiti to try to get them out, 2. Go to Leogane and Petit Groave to set up a make shift clinic 3. Connet with other grass roots organizations in Haiti to find out their needs to see how we can help.
My father sent me his notes, unfortunately he got sick and will be leaving Haiti tomorrow, so I'll be on my own down there, not really but my dad won't be with me :-(
Here's what he said:
Notes from the field
As of January 24, the death toll from Jan 12 earthquake: 112250 deaths and 194,000 injured
Expect a country with thousands of amputated young adults
More than 235000 people have left Port-au-Prince. The largest influx to GONAIVES
The number of people living in temporary shelter could be as high 800,000
The NGO and humanitarian community have only 3500 tents in Haiti!
People need TENT, TENTS, and sleeping bags!
There was a tsunami in Petit Paradis in the Nord West of Haiti.
Frustation Frustation Frustation
There is no Emergency Operation Center in Haiti.
Not one EOC for the entire country
The Haitian governement is not directly involved in food distribution
Let's pray GOD:. NO RAIN please! Everybody is sleeping under the stars
Good news, I found an organization who is willing to ship goods to the southern ports of Haiti to avoid the bottle neck in Port-au-Prince.
I'm also trying to work on a centralized shelter in Cap Haitien, but I'll let you all know more details later. Wanna help please donate to the cause at want to volunteer visit want to bring goods to our warehouse? it's located at 7230 NW Miami Court, Miami FL 33150
Together we will!
My father sent me his notes, unfortunately he got sick and will be leaving Haiti tomorrow, so I'll be on my own down there, not really but my dad won't be with me :-(
Here's what he said:
Notes from the field
As of January 24, the death toll from Jan 12 earthquake: 112250 deaths and 194,000 injured
Expect a country with thousands of amputated young adults
More than 235000 people have left Port-au-Prince. The largest influx to GONAIVES
The number of people living in temporary shelter could be as high 800,000
The NGO and humanitarian community have only 3500 tents in Haiti!
People need TENT, TENTS, and sleeping bags!
There was a tsunami in Petit Paradis in the Nord West of Haiti.
Frustation Frustation Frustation
There is no Emergency Operation Center in Haiti.
Not one EOC for the entire country
The Haitian governement is not directly involved in food distribution
Let's pray GOD:. NO RAIN please! Everybody is sleeping under the stars
Good news, I found an organization who is willing to ship goods to the southern ports of Haiti to avoid the bottle neck in Port-au-Prince.
I'm also trying to work on a centralized shelter in Cap Haitien, but I'll let you all know more details later. Wanna help please donate to the cause at want to volunteer visit want to bring goods to our warehouse? it's located at 7230 NW Miami Court, Miami FL 33150
Together we will!
My father has been in Haiti for a week now trying to establish a shelter. I've been corresponding with him to find out the needs of the people. I was suppose to bring him medical supplies so we can go over to Leogane to help areas that haven't been helped yet. So far my flight arrangements have been DELAYED DUE TO FUEL ISSUES! Gas in Haiti is now $100 per gallon. And most planes are getting their fuel from other countries. So right now I may be leaving on Tuesday- God willing.
I spoke with my father, who went down to Haiti with the Haitian Medical Association, and this is what he reported to me:
"Status report
From the field
My biggest effort was to create a shelter.
We have a location
We want to create a shelter for 10,000 people
I had meetings on Saturday with NGO and Humanitarian group
No distribution of tents in Port-au-Prince.
People are improving their tent with clothes and linen
Water is distributed in the ad hoc shelter
Food distribution is poorly organized"
People NEED
2.-Sleeping bag
5. Baby food
The Government has declared the search and rescue phase over. There were 132 live rescues by international search and rescue teams.But
Humanitarian relief efforts continue to scale up in Port-au-Prince, Jacmel, Leogane and other affected areas.
The number of people leaving Port-au-Prince is increasing daily. More than 130,000 people have taken advantage of the Government’s offer of free transportation to cities in the north and southwest.
FAO estimates that the number of people leaving cities for rural areas could reach one million,putting pressure on already vulnerable communities.
WHO reports that despite difficult conditions, there are no reported outbreaks of communicable diseases including cholera, measles and rubella.
There was a tsunami in Petit Paradis.
Together we will!
I spoke with my father, who went down to Haiti with the Haitian Medical Association, and this is what he reported to me:
"Status report
From the field
My biggest effort was to create a shelter.
We have a location
We want to create a shelter for 10,000 people
I had meetings on Saturday with NGO and Humanitarian group
No distribution of tents in Port-au-Prince.
People are improving their tent with clothes and linen
Water is distributed in the ad hoc shelter
Food distribution is poorly organized"
People NEED
2.-Sleeping bag
5. Baby food
The Government has declared the search and rescue phase over. There were 132 live rescues by international search and rescue teams.But
Humanitarian relief efforts continue to scale up in Port-au-Prince, Jacmel, Leogane and other affected areas.
The number of people leaving Port-au-Prince is increasing daily. More than 130,000 people have taken advantage of the Government’s offer of free transportation to cities in the north and southwest.
FAO estimates that the number of people leaving cities for rural areas could reach one million,putting pressure on already vulnerable communities.
WHO reports that despite difficult conditions, there are no reported outbreaks of communicable diseases including cholera, measles and rubella.
There was a tsunami in Petit Paradis.
Together we will!
Maeva Operation Helping Hands, a joint community
project of The Miami Herald and United Way-Miami, will be collecting
donations to support the relief effort in Haiti.
The Archdiocese of Miami is accepting financial donations to assist
with recovery efforts for the earthquake victims in Haiti. People may
send their donations to Catholic Charities, 1505 NE 26th St. Wilton
Manors, FL 33305, Attention Earthquake Victims. Mercy Corps established a Haiti Earthquake Fund,
PO Box 2669,Portland, OR 97208, , 1-888-256-1900
Text “HAITI” to “90999″ to make a $10 donation.
2025 East Street, NW Washington, DC 20006 (800) REDCROSS (733-2767)
State Department’s Hotline for Americans Concerned about their family members in Haiti 1-888-407-4747
Haitian Citizens in the U.S.
Haitian citizens in the U.S. should call the Haitian Embassy in Washington, D.C., 202-332-4090, or the Haitian Consulate in New York City, 305-859-2003. I have not received additional guidance on other resources available to Haitian citizens living in the U.S. who have earthquake-related queries, but if I will pass on if I do.
Volunteer Opportunities
Additionally, persons who wish to provide assistance or expertise in Haiti are asked to contact the Center for International Disaster Information. The Center, operated under a grant from the United States Agency for International Development's Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance, has established a dedicated page to coordinate Haiti support at:
If you receive calls from constituents about how they can make contributions and donations to disaster relief, the following web links can be provided:
U.S. citizens who wish to contribute to the relief effort for Haiti after the earthquake, either online or by text message, can visit
Below you will find the links to the Center for International Disaster Information's (CIDI) Guidelines and FAQ, which will be helpful in answering questions from constituents around the country. That website also has the Guidelines available in French and Kreyol, if you should need them.
Please be aware that CIDI will also be reaching out to US representatives on the Hill with constituents from the Haitian diaspora, as well as various diaspora groups and the embassy/consulates.
project of The Miami Herald and United Way-Miami, will be collecting
donations to support the relief effort in Haiti.
The Archdiocese of Miami is accepting financial donations to assist
with recovery efforts for the earthquake victims in Haiti. People may
send their donations to Catholic Charities, 1505 NE 26th St. Wilton
Manors, FL 33305, Attention Earthquake Victims. Mercy Corps established a Haiti Earthquake Fund,
PO Box 2669,Portland, OR 97208, , 1-888-256-1900
Text “HAITI” to “90999″ to make a $10 donation.
2025 East Street, NW Washington, DC 20006 (800) REDCROSS (733-2767)
State Department’s Hotline for Americans Concerned about their family members in Haiti 1-888-407-4747
Haitian Citizens in the U.S.
Haitian citizens in the U.S. should call the Haitian Embassy in Washington, D.C., 202-332-4090, or the Haitian Consulate in New York City, 305-859-2003. I have not received additional guidance on other resources available to Haitian citizens living in the U.S. who have earthquake-related queries, but if I will pass on if I do.
Volunteer Opportunities
Additionally, persons who wish to provide assistance or expertise in Haiti are asked to contact the Center for International Disaster Information. The Center, operated under a grant from the United States Agency for International Development's Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance, has established a dedicated page to coordinate Haiti support at:
If you receive calls from constituents about how they can make contributions and donations to disaster relief, the following web links can be provided:
U.S. citizens who wish to contribute to the relief effort for Haiti after the earthquake, either online or by text message, can visit
Below you will find the links to the Center for International Disaster Information's (CIDI) Guidelines and FAQ, which will be helpful in answering questions from constituents around the country. That website also has the Guidelines available in French and Kreyol, if you should need them.
Please be aware that CIDI will also be reaching out to US representatives on the Hill with constituents from the Haitian diaspora, as well as various diaspora groups and the embassy/consulates.

As most of you may know, my native country Haiti was hit by an earthquake and is in dire need of assistance. As a woman of faith, I have prayed for my people and now it's time to act because I believe that "faith without works is dead". So please join me as I plan a relief drive to collect funds, clothing, food, water, supplies, medical supplies, etc.
I've partnered with organizations to provide their facility as a drop off location. I have already made arrangements with various transportation outlets that will bring the supplies to Haiti.
If you are interested in being a drop off location for the drive, please contact me at 305-297-9247 or
Together we can make this happen!
Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Maeva "The Artist" Renaud
President of Arts of Color Worship Arts Institute,Inc.
Drive Locations:
Shalom Community Church Mon-Sun 9am-8pm 900 NE 132ST North Miami, FL 33161 (305) 892-9204
Notre Dame d'Haiti Catholic Church 130 NE 62nd Terrace Miami, FL 33138 (305) 751-6289
DIVAS BEAUTY SALON Mon-Sun 9am-9pm 15028 NE 6th Ave North Miami , Fl 33161
Next Level Barbershop Downtown, Miami 238 N.E. 1 st ave Miami, Fla
33132...305-374-3651 Colbert or Alain Monday-Saturday 9:30 am to 7pm
Agape Youth Ministry Center 1550 NE 165th St North Miami Beach, FL 33162 Hours are 930 am - 9pm. Contact info is 305-949-0935
Little River Service Center 6301 NE 2nd Ave Miami, FL 33138 M-F 8am-5pm 305-960-4660
Haitian American Law Association (Law Offices of Champagne & Surin) 480 NE 13 St Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33304 M-Sat 9am-5pm 954-463-0709
Hallandale High School 720 NW 9th Ave Hallandale, FL 33009 M-F 7am-3pm 754-323-0900
MacTown 151 NE 62nd Street Miami, FL 33138 M-Sun 24 hours 305-495-2686
Miami Temple 9175 Southwest 44th Street, Miami FL 33165 305-223-2102
Magesco Inc. 7010 NE 4th Ct, Miami FL 33138 M-F 8:30-4:30pm 305-397-6711
Church of Healing Rain 8950 Stirling Rd., Hollywood FL 33024 954-431-3118
Paradise D&L Unisex Salon 7992 Riviera Blvd Miramar, FL 33023 305-303-7938
Salla's Barber Shop 6970 Pembroke Rd. Pembroke Pines Fl 33023 Tues-Sun 10am - 8p 954-963-1037
Concerned African Women, Inc. 1505 NW 167th Street, Suite 101 Miami Gardens, FL 33169 (305) 621-3700
Nova Southeastern University (HPD-TERRY BLDG) 3200 S. University Drive Davie, Fl 33328 954-317-8706
Living Word Community Church 5770 W. Oakland Park Blvd Lauderhill, Fl 33313 954.485.0090
Mount Bethel Baptist Church 901 NW 11th Ave Ft. Lauderdale, Fl 33311
(954) 763-5644 M-Thu 9am-5pm Fri 9am-1pm Sat 7am-3pm Sun 6:30am-3:00pm
ABC TOOLS, INC 111 NW 79 STREET MIAMI, FL 33150 (305)769-4890
Christian Haitian Outreach 13438 SW 131st Street Miami, FL 33186 phone: 786-573-0850
Bishop Victor T. Curry and New Birth Baptist will accept supplies at Vision to Victory Center in Little Haiti @ 8400 NE 2nd Avenue and WMBM Radio station @ 13230 NW 7 avenue, North Miami, FL 33168 (305) 769-1100.
Haiti Consulate Office 259 Southwest 13th Street Miami, FL 33130-4276 (305) 859-2003
FIU Modesto A. Maidique Campus DM 33411200 S.W. 8th Street Miami, Florida 33199 Department Open: 8:00am-5:00pm Tel.: 305.348.2247
Sickle Cell Foundation Locations Contact 407-485-1299
7289 Garden Rd, Ste 104. Riviera Beach, Fl 33404
1600 N. Australian Ave West Palm Beach, Fl 33407
136 south Main Street Belle Glade, Fl 33430
15516 South West Osceala Blvd Indiantown, FL 34956
Toussaint L'Ouverture High School 1325 Gateway Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33426 (561) 738-9800
Evangel Church International 590 NW 159th Street Miami, FL 33169 (305) 945-4770
7205 SW 125TH AVE MIAMI, FL 33187
Key Financial 7900 NW 156 Street Suite 108 Miami Lakes, Fla. 33016
call: 305-494-3939 for more info on hours, we can open doors for you at anytime any day
Chosen Gems Fine Arts Center4660 n. University Dr. Lauderhill 33351Promeande at Invorary Plaza
Hours- 2pm-5pm*CALL IN ADVANCE(954) 439-5085(954) 296-7543
DeledoPark 2520 nw 6th Street Fort Lauderdale 33311 Hours- 12pm-4pm Relief Effect
(954) 791-1036Betty (954) 854-5673
Paine Chapel AME church 801 9th street WPB, Fl 33401 (561) 832-2023 (321) 544-8780
(561) 832-2035 Pastor REV. Bronfield/ Daisy Lainer & David THomas Hours- 9am- 3pm Mon-Fri

I'm turning 27 yeah! And of course being a person that is driven on living a life of purpose. On my birthday, I'm throwing a fundraiser to help an orphanage in Haiti. It's a party for a cause and you know I like to party!
It's going to be at KITCHEN 305 in Sunny Isles on the BEACH BABY!!!
So come out and celebrate with me and support my cause.
Event starts at 10pm
There will be performances by wonderful friends of mine, who happen to be artists! (My own little Rat Pack)-if you don't know look it up :-)
Performances by
Neo Soul Songstress- LAVIE- That's my girl!
Actor, Poet & Activist- DEVIN T.ROBINSON X- He's so inspiring and cute
too, I think he's single ladies (wink, wink)
Reggae Soultress- KRISTINE ALICIA- This girl can sanG!!!
Funkadelic Sounds- LAGUARDIA HIPHOP- I think we were switched at birth!
R&B Groove- GEORGE TANDY JR- What??This guy is...he makes me his music that is.
Revolutionary Noise- SEKAJIPO GENES- Seriously, he makes me want to fight somebody
Spanish Reggae Fusion- OMAYRA- She surprised the heck out of me!
Hip Hop Soul- FINAL SECOND- His is soul stirring!
and of course DJ BRIMSTONE will mix it up for you all to get down and shake your tusshies..just don't hurt
Come on out, bring a friend. It's $10 entry...all the proceeds will go towards the orphanage. So make it a determination this new year to give back...start at my party!
See you then.
Oh and special thanks to BROCK MIAMI for sponsoring the event at Kitchen 305.
If you have questions,
call me or email
Love you and see you Friday night!