The Campaign
Welcome to Our Site
The Change is Coming Campaign (CIC) is the humanitarian initiative of Arts of Color Worship Arts Institute, Inc. (AOC)
a 501(c)3 tax-exempt performing and multi-media arts company.
CIC consists of artists from all backgrounds and genres who use their art form to advocate for social justice. On this site, you'll see their own stories and causes and how you can help.
AOC's objectives are to train emerging artists, produce multicultural events, and help support children in Haiti .
a 501(c)3 tax-exempt performing and multi-media arts company.
CIC consists of artists from all backgrounds and genres who use their art form to advocate for social justice. On this site, you'll see their own stories and causes and how you can help.
AOC's objectives are to train emerging artists, produce multicultural events, and help support children in Haiti .

Name: Dalhia Patrice Perryman
Hometown: Currently in West Palm Beach, Florida
Art Form(s): Visual Artist, Poet, Jewelry, Dance
Maevatheartist: I know you've been to the site , what did you think of it?
Dalhia0308: I thought it was's very inspiring to see how other artists are impacting their piece of the planet.
Maevatheartist: Yes, I meet a plethora of artists on a day to day basis. Especially in the West Miramar and Pembroke Pines area. South Florida is full of talent. And what I've noticed is that a lot of the artists are really about something, something greater than just their art form.
Now I know you are involved in a lot of things, can you tell me what you've been up lately?
Dalhia0308: Its easier to say what I'm not involved in. I'm an American Red Cross Disaster Action Team member in training to aide people devastated by wildfires, house fires and hurricanes. I'm also a new case worker with the Red Cross helping to reunite Holocaust survivors with their families. In two weeks, I will begin my sixth year as a Susan G Komen for the Cure volunteer (a breast cancer foundation), and my first year as a member of their speaker's bureau.
Maevatheartist: Wow, how do you relate what you do with your art?
Dalhia0308: My art is how I express the causes I believe in. In my dance, my poetry and art I address pressing social issues, ie, racism, AIDS, domestic violence, genital mutilation, Darfur. Often people will receive your message easier when its disguised as art. Like the quote says "It takes a spoonful of sugar to make the medicine go down."
Maevatheartist: That is true. What is the main message you try to address in your work?
Dalhia0308: I guess the main point of my work is to inform people that there is a world out their larger than themselves and that they have not only the responsibility but also the power to positively affect change in that community, You don't have to be a King, Gandhi or Mandela to leave your mark on the world. We all can do SOMETHING!
Maevatheartist: Preach sistah, preach!
Maevatheartist: So who is your target audience? who are you speaking to?
Dalhia0308: Heck! My work as a whole is for whoever will listen but a lot of my work is aimed at young black girls. I want them to feel that they are matter what images the world slings at them!
Maevatheartist: why young black girls?
Dalhia0308: Because a few years ago, I WAS that little black girl that was told I was ugly, worthless, wouldn't amount to anything, would be pregnant before I finished high school. I not only beat those stereotypes, I destroyed them in my life! Now its my responsibility to let young ladies know they don't have to believe what is said. I've often heard it said 'it's not what they call you, it's what you answer to'
Maevatheartist: You remind me of someone else I interviewed who mentioned the same thing, do you think this is a big issue in the African American community?
Dalhia0308: Oh most definitely! Probably bigger than we like to admit to
Maevatheartist: What do you think needs to be done to address the issue and what kind of solutions would you suggest?
Dalhia0308: Like I said before everything doesn't have to be a worldwide campaign. If every older woman took one younger woman and imparted knowledge, they'd find that they have already impacted a whole community, because that young woman is a future, mother, wife, community member, worker, grandmother.... Think of how many lives you just reached through that one girl!
Maevatheartist: Were you that one girl? who impacted you with your art and social service?
Dalhia0308: Yes I was/am that girl. It takes a village....Different teachers provided, free art supplies, school supplies, dance leotards etc. The biggest person to impact my life however was a woman named Sandra Kay Papakostas. She was my gifted teacher in school. Her leading influenced my cancer and AIDS work, my art, writing, oratory, pageantry and the person I am today. She taught me my worth and told me my art was a catalyst 4 change. I owe her a lot and hope wherever she is that she is proud
Maevatheartist: So what is your latest art piece? Are you working on anything new?
Dalhia0308: I got a grant to provide artwork to organizations that empower women and young girls. I am doing a piece to be used as a fundraiser for an organization in Miami called Girl Power that works with at risk teen/middle school girls
Maevatheartist: Awesome, where can people view your work Dalhia?
Dalhia0308: A website is in the works for both my art and more to come on that. In the meantime, the next work on my calendar is not until the last week in February...the Lake Worth Street Painting Festival (Lake Worth, FL)
Maevatheartist: I'll definitely want to come then!
Dalhia0308: Please do, its free to the public
Maevatheartist: Thank you so much Dalhia for "chatting" with me today. I do wish you the best on all your future endeavors.